Friday, July 13, 2012

crotchet rest

On my first commitment free day for a long time it feels like a crotchet rest.  A short break before the pace continues for the rest of the term.  I have taken the opportunity already this morning to clean out the chickens and guinea pigs, and let them free range it in the back yard.

Scooter kept a careful eye on the livestock in the yard.  Just in case it needed herding.

She feels compelled to keep the chooks under her complete control.  They mostly ignore her.

It's like a horror movie -LOOK BEHIND YOU CHICKENS!

These little guys are also have some free range time in a carefully constructed guinea pig run made from gutter guard and tent pegs.  I hope they don't realise they can jump it - because they are super quick and hard to catch in the undergrowth.

Why are all our animals brown?  And I dyed my hair brown yesterday (on a side note - this took two and a half hours!  I think the hairdresser was individually painting each strand of hair).

A short rest at home.  It is amazing what can happen.  And it is only morning tea time!

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