Friday, July 27, 2012

let's play THE game

I am pretty sure 'the' game has been going for about 8 years.  It involves many hours of doll's house set up, and complex rules about which furniture and people go with which sister.  And it cannot be interrupted.

'But Mum we are in the middle of a game'

'Hey Annika you remember in the game when...'

'When we are in the game you be the sister and I will be the other sister, and we have two other sisters...'

'But Mum we definitely cannot tidy it up, it is all set up for the GAME'

We have certainly got out money's worth out of the Fisher Price Loving Family dollhouse stuff.  I like it because the people look a little bit real and there is a good cross section of genders and ages with the people - but not very multicultural.  We had to source different nationality dolls from elsewhere.

Things I have seen the dollhouse people do:
- have an excursion to the treehouse
- skype the other dollhouse - one was in America and the other one was in Brazil
- dolls having severe timeouts and left for weeks in one room
- pack the car up to go on holidays
- go to school and learn all about countries, including a powerpoint presentation on Tanzania
- have showers
- go shopping and wearily trudge around telling the child dollies they cannot have an icecream
- go to the movies at the loungeroom TV theatre
- go to choir practice with a giraffe as a conductor
- have babysitters
- get told to go to bed very loudly
- put on shows for the other dolls with props, music, ticketing and promotional material
- work on the computer

The giraffe conductor was concerned that the sopranos seemed to be losing attention
 I think playing with the doll's house has been wonderful for my girls, particularly Gabby.  It is great for their imagination, and to process some of their world.  When I look at the list above it makes me realise how much of my life is played out in the doll's house.


Maybe I should model being kind, helpful, generous, loving and tidy so the dolls can re-enact it in the GAME.

1 comment:

  1. So funny.... But I'm a little concerned about some " family secrets" being shared.
    Leaving the kids in a room for over a week.... Thinking your choir conductor reminds you of a giraffe..... Shouting loudly from the lounge, at kids, to go to bed... (oops I might be adding my own bits in there).


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