Thursday, October 13, 2011

gratitude attitude

Am I getting old?  I am about to embark on a blog post talking about 'those young things today'. Possibly.

Today was my first day back teaching grade three RE.  Exciting times talking about Judges - chariots stuck in the mud, tent pegs, and numchukkas (of course the discussion entered the zone of what weaponry was around for the Israelites to use).  I then told the kids a bit about our trip to China.  They listened fairly politely, but their ears only pricked up when I said I had brought back a present for them all (a small one - I had to buy 100 and they had to fit in the suitcase).  At the end of the lesson I distributed little gifts for them - hair clips and little erasers, and chopsticks that are also pencils.  Such fun. 

I have rarely heard such bickering.

(Except of course from my own children).

Can I have something different?  Why did Alana get that one?  I don't want this I want that.  She got more than me.  I missed out on a giraffe eraser?  Mine isn't working.  All the boys took everything.  I want another one.  Did you bring anything else?

I didn't hear an unprompted thank you.  Not that I got them little gifts to be showered in thanks.  But the attitude of expectation that they would be given 'stuff' was very high, and the appreciation was low.

It reminded me to be grateful for small things, and to teach my children to have an attitude of thankfulness.  To treat kindnesses as a gift not a right.  I hope I can practice having more of an attitude of gratitude.

On that note, here are today's things I am grateful for:
- having time in the day to spend thinking, praying, reading God's word and reading a John Piper book about thinking - yay long service leave!
- a fun nearly toilet trained puppy
- old friends who help your daughter with French with a smile and a servant heart
- husbands who cook dinner
- spotting the termite nest under the house before it is a termite mountain
- the opportunity to teach RE at school and the wonderful supportive teachers

Thank you.

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